
  • JD Fashion - Out of the box Fashion Theme for Drupal

    JD Fashion

    Quis auctor justo urna Sed Nullam suscipit Sed orci sem justo. Urna convallis urna suscipit nibh quis wisi nulla vel nibh Phasellus. Lorem nulla est ac adipiscing ligula vel nunc Aenean aliquet Morbi. Morbi et vestibulum ac dictumst tristique eros pellentesque In ligula Sed. Et et est mattis eros Nulla.

  • JD Oganis - Robust Media Theme for Drupal

    JA Oganis

    JD Oganis is the theme for strong motions. It has extensive customization for Drupal core features, included with a wide array of improvements inbuilt in JD T3 framework. The amazing theme override facility fully generates a wide variety of preset styles and block variations. So, basic left, right and main sections present different front-end user interfaces effectively.

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