JoomlArt Magento theme for May is coming, it's JM Anion! Anything about theaters, DVD, HD trailers, movie times etc., are right in JM Anion. Let's go big to make an internet movie database like imdb, or movies.com as a source for movies news and reviews...
A strong point of JM Anion lines in the set of extensions, basic but adaptable to kick off such a movie site. Typical functional presentations in JM Anion: group contents into tabs (eg. Popular, Latest); show product items in grid or list type; create slides of image items both in scroll format and auto slideshow. Certainly lots of things are still ahead to get a full-featured movie site, but JM Anion will be a cut-through. Browse JM Anion's 6 color sets - default, blue, red, green, brown, orange for real inspiration.